C. Le Pichon, G. Gorges, T. Faure, H. Boussard
Anaqualand is a freeware allowing calculations of structural and biological connectivity in riverscapes using ascii raster files. It allows an evaluation of hydrographic and biological distances between points or patches along a river; in upstream, downstream or both directions. Modelling approaches of the biological connectivity were implemented using the concept of minimal cumulative resistance (MCR) (Knaapen et al., 1992), or more recently the ‘least cost’ model (Adriaensen et al., 2003), which measure for distance modified with the cost to move between habitat patches based on detailed geographical information on the riverscape as well as behavioural aspects of the organisms studied. For more details about the global approach see (Le Pichon, 2006; Le Pichon et al., 2006). Anaqualand is available under the CeCILL user licence and was developed by the research unit HBAN - Cemagref - Antony in 2006.